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Countrified to the core but still very much a rock n’ roll record in the right departments, Water to Wine’s A Señorita, A Sweet Tea and A Few Good Songs offers us a casual introduction to what this country-rock set is capable of....Water to Wine is dishing out something that few acts are serving.
Chadwick Easton, Melody Maker
They’ve got a quality collection of tracks that suggests ambitions extending well beyond what the Nashville establishment would ever allow for right now, and if they can keep this momentum going, it’s going to be hard to compete with their potential.
- Rachel Townsend, The Spotted Cat
A masterpiece of bright sound, an optimistic ray of light and life...I haven't heard any new music over the last 20 years that has this energy and quality. I’ve been a little stuck in the days of classic music. But this work is Gold. Rare.
- O. Griseldes, El Dorado, Florida
What People Are Saying